Vtiger version 7.3. What's new?

Vtiger version 7.3. What's new?

After long improvements and bug fixes, Vtiger developers have released a new version of the CRM system - 7.3. This version includes a number of improvements, new functionality, bug fixes in the interface and a number of security fixes. Also version 7.3 is fully compatible with PHP 7.4.

So what's new in Vtiger 7.3?

Changes in interface.

If earlier working from mobile devices in the system was not so convenient, now all CRM elements are flexibly adapted to the browser screen. Fixed a bug where the card height was not 100% in mobile editing mode.

Fixed the borders of the fields in the edit card, made them thinner and more beautiful.

Changed the search bar, making it wider.

The default page at the user level.

I plan to write a separate article on this topic. Now each user himself can set which page should open by default after authorization in CRM.

PHP 7.4 compatibility

Finally, sysadmins can safely update servers. When run in PHP in version 7.4, Vtiger could display various warnings on the screen. The code used a call to obsolete functions and the types in the class methods were not compatible. Now such warnings will not bother users.

In bulk edit, you can now delete field values.

When you go to the list of records and open the bulk edit field, you can see the checkbox to the left of the field name. If you activate it, then when you click on the save button, the field value will be deleted from all the records you have marked. This functionality is very convenient for deleting a related account from a contact card if it has been removed from CRM.

Administrator notification after scheduled data import is complete.

If you try to import tens of thousands of contacts into Vtiger, the system will not do this right away, but mark the contacts in a temporary table in order to load them later. But the notification about the successful import did not come earlier. And if the cron was not activated by the administrator, then the contacts would never have been loaded and no one would have known about it. Now Vtiger sends an email to the administrator about the successful completion of the import or sends a warning that cron is not activated.

Adding new functions to API methods.

In Vtiger 7.3, developers of third-party systems can now get additional data, namely:

  • Complete information about the authorized user.
  • More complete information about the goods, in particular, the path to the image of the record.
  • Data about the tags attached to the post.

Customer Portal activation email template in the contact card.

In Vtiger, if you open a contact's access to the Customer Portal, he will receive a notification about this operation by e-mail. The template for this letter has been changed in version 7.3. The text has been made more understandable and the design laconic.

Fixed a vulnerability in counting the number of open letters.

If you are sending a letter to your client, the system allows you to count the number of times the user has opened this letter. And this URL was previously not secure, contained a direct link to access the system. Now the link is generated through the ShortURL functionality and additional protection against counter cheating is installed.

Added New date format.

Now in the user settings you can set the date display in a new format: dd.mm.yyyy. Previously, only the dd-mm-yyyy format could be used.

The ability to create a deal from the mail manager.

When you receive an email message from an existing contact, in addition to creating a task or an event, you can now also create a new deal. Working with incoming email messages has become more convenient.

Also 84 different bugs in the system were fixed, here are the most important ones:

  • Fixed the title of the entry when it is opened in the short view from the general list.
  • Fixed the problem of "cutting" line breaks in a field with the "Description" type.
  • Fixed bug with searching by dates with the period "From" and "To". The previous search did not include the end date.

and much more.


Version 7.3 now seems to be a fairly stable and complete solution compared to previous releases.

The CRM software market is evolving and the availability of open source software offering powerful features remains important, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. Not to mention those who already use Vtiger 6 or 7 software and want to use it for a long time to come! Thanks to its excellent import and export capabilities, interoperability and great flexibility, Vtiger is a very good springboard or buffer software that can either replace multiple programs used by an organization, or act as a “bridge” between them, or perform specific tasks. that no other software can execute.

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