Welcome to the blog section of PHP programmist Sergey Emelyanov

In this section you will find useful information regarding programming with Vtiger CRM and Laravel.

Blog of private php programmist Sergey Emelyanov

I like to write how I solved certain difficulties and share interesting features with the developer community. Here you will find solutions to various tasks in Vtiger CRM and Laravel. If you have any questions - ask!

How to show total sum in ListView in VtigerCRM 6.5

How to show total sum in ListView in VtigerCRM 6.5

It is often necessary to calculate the total amount in a VtigerCRM directory or ListView. With a similar task to me recently asked the customer. He asked to calculate the balance sheet total in the list of accounts. Those. so that the total amount for all accounts in the list is displayed below the list. An example implementation is shown in the picture.

Bug in Vtiger - only admin user in history tab. How to solve it.

Bug in Vtiger - only admin user in history tab. How to solve it.

Many users, especially after upgrading the VtigerCRM system from 7.0 to 7.1, ran into a problem — on the order card, the lead on the history tab, all changes appear as if they were made by the Administrator, and not the one who actually did it. Often this is due to handlers that work after a record is changed and as a result, the changes relate to the administrator, not the user.

How to hide "Updates" section in the records

How to hide "Updates" section in the records

Some administrators are wondering how to remove the History tab from the contact / account / transaction card, etc. Often in this tab there is unnecessary information that stores the entire history of the object and it does not need to be shown to all users. Therefore, for security reasons, it is advisable to disable this tab or leave only to the administrator.

How can we fix error in reports module in vtiger crm?

How can we fix error in reports module in vtiger crm?

VtigerCRM часто с ошибками формирует отчёт по платежам или любой другой отчёт по кастомному модулю, если добавлять связанные поля (т.е. поле контрагент, связан с). К примеру, при попытке построить отчет по платежам и вывести поля "Плательщик" или "Связан с" отчет падает.

VtigerCRM - how to show debug messages

VtigerCRM - how to show debug messages

Официальная документация говорит нам - для того, чтобы получить подробную информацию о том, что происходит в системе и записать всё это дело в лог файл, достаточно проделать следующее:

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I started my own business and intentionally did my best to work from anywhere in the world. Sometimes I sit with my office with a large 27-inch monitor in my apartment in Cheboksary. Sometimes I’m in the office or in some cafe in another city.

Hello! I am Sergey Emelyanov and I am hardworker
Business PHP

Hello! I am Sergey Emelyanov and I am hardworker

I am a programmer. I am an entrepreneur in my heart. I started making money from the age of 11, in the harsh 90s, handing over glassware to a local store and exchanging it for sweets. I earned so much that was enough for various snacks.

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Developed an interesting application for learning foreign words using flashcards. You can download it for free, deploy it on your server and use it. Made with Laravel + Vue.js. Create your own vocabulary list or import list of popular words. Learn words anytime, anywhere. You can watch a video by clicking on image

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