Welcome to the blog section of PHP programmist Sergey Emelyanov

In this section you will find useful information regarding programming with Vtiger CRM, Laravel and Wordpress.

Blog of private php programmist Sergey Emelyanov

I like to write how I solved certain difficulties and share interesting features with the developer community. Here you will find solutions to various tasks in Vtiger CRM and Laravel. If you have any questions - ask!

Working with cookies from javascript

Working with cookies from javascript

Web browsers allow a small amount of information called cookies to be stored on the user client. Using them, it’s convenient to store user settings, for example, the selected design theme, products viewed by him, etc. Cookies have their own advantages and disadvantages, like everything in this world.

How to upgrade vtiger crm from version 6.5 to 7.1

How to upgrade vtiger crm from version 6.5 to 7.1

In March 2018, an updated version of vtiger crm version 7.1 was released, which has rich functionality and an adaptive interface. The key function of the new version of the system is the integrated integration with cloud-based PBXs of the following providers: Megafon, Mango Office, Telfin, WestCall, MCN Telecom, Sipuni, Uis, Zadarma, Gravitel, Dom.ru, Rostelecom and Yandex.

How to work with forms in javascript

How to work with forms in javascript

The form object supports only two methods: submit () and reset (). The first method initiates the submission of the form to the web server, the second - resets the form. Accordingly, there are two events - onsumbit and onreset. The first occurs when sending form data, the second - when a form is reset.

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Maximum productivity on remote job

Maximum productivity on remote job

I started my own business and intentionally did my best to work from anywhere in the world. Sometimes I sit with my office with a large 27-inch monitor in my apartment in Cheboksary. Sometimes I’m in the office or in some cafe in another city.

Hello! I am Sergey Emelyanov and I am hardworker
Business PHP

Hello! I am Sergey Emelyanov and I am hardworker

I am a programmer. I am an entrepreneur in my heart. I started making money from the age of 11, in the harsh 90s, handing over glassware to a local store and exchanging it for sweets. I earned so much that was enough for various snacks.

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Developed an interesting application for learning foreign words using flashcards. You can download it for free, deploy it on your server and use it. Made with Laravel + Vue.js. Create your own vocabulary list or import list of popular words. Learn words anytime, anywhere. You can watch a video by clicking on image

Hire Professional CRM developer for $25 per hour

I will make time for your project. Knowledge of Vtiger CRM, SuiteCRM, Laravel, Vue.js, Wordpress. I offer cooperation options that will help you take advantage of external experience, optimize costs and reduce risks. Full transparency of all stages of work and accounting for time costs. Pay only development working hours after accepting the task. Accept PayPal and Payoneer payment systems. How to hire professional developer? Just fill in the form

I usually get a call back within a few hours. But if I have a heavy workload, I may call you back the next day. So please be patient. Or if you have an urgent question, you can call me directly. I will do my best to help you.

Or just call: +79876757777

Telegram: @sergeyem